The University of British Columbia has recently taken over Dr. Chan Gunn's body of work researching the effects of Intramuscular Stimulation or IMS. As a clinician that has been using it since 2008, I have no doubt of its efficacy, but the medical community has been slow to acknowledge it because of studies showing that acupuncture yields no benefit. I find it unfortunate that the two forms of treatment get lumped together because they are fundamentally different treatment modalities.
I am not a researcher, but I am confident the research will eventually catch up to the clinical practice regarding IMS. What I can help with, is to help gather case studies of peoples' experience with IMS and give patients some information to go to their doctor with to help educate the medical community.
If you have had IMS as a treatment by your physiotherapist and care to share your experience (positive or negative) please share your story in the comments below in the following format:
A brief history of you and your pain:
e.g. I am a 46 year old runner with a 6 month history of knee pain when I run…
A brief history of what you may have tried prior to IMS:
e.g. "normal physio" with electrical machines, chiropractor, massage therapy, acupuncture, ice, heat
Who you saw for IMS and what your doctor's thoughts were (if applicable):
Feel free to give your physio a plug or simply share how you heard about it
Your experience with IMS (short term and long term)
You may have found it uncomfortable, but felt looser afterward. Totally open ended….tell us what happened for better or worse.
Click here to read my article explaining how IMS works and how it is different than acupuncture
Please leave your case study and/or testimonials below. I will be providing a variety of interesting case studies involving IMS in the coming months.