Treatment Techniques

This section is for the people that claim they have tried everything.  There are a lot of branded interventions out there, some that are amazingly useful and others that are simply amazingly marketed.  I have been exposed to quite a few different treatment techniques through my post-graduate training and below are the ones that I have found to be the most powerful and provided the best results in treating pain and dysfunction.

IMS- intramuscular stimulation

IMS is a form of dry needling using acupuncture needles.  It originates in Vancouver, Canada from the work of physician Dr. Chan Gunn.  You need to be a medical doctor or physical therapist in order to be a certified IMS practitioner.  The training is now centered at the University of British Columbia.  The closest American equivalent teaching dry needling is a group called Kinetacore, but different States have different policies on the use of needles by physical therapists.

Click here to learn more about IMS and how it works.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a form of gentle hands-on treatment based on the work of osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral to assess and treat the fascial restrictions and pulls created by a person’s organs.  It is a form of manual therapy that is deeply rooted in anatomy and understanding the interconnections of the body.  Visceral manipulation has allowed me to thoroughly treat the container and the contents of a person instead of just the outer shell.  It is commonly the missing link for people with resistant pain problems.

Click here to learn more about Visceral Manipulation and how it works.

Neural Manipulation

Neural manipulation is also a form of osteopathic manual therapy that dovetails with visceral manipulation.  It teaches the practitioner the relevant anatomy and access points to treat a person’s nervous system both in her head and in her body.  It has allowed me to more effectively treat pain issues that stem from the head, neck and face as well as connect peripheral nerve irritations to other systems in the body.

Click here to learn more about Neural manipulation.

Body Awareness & Posture Training

Why Things Hurt and Movement School are my methods of helping people maintain the gains we have made and prevent any future problems.  It is not a fancy branded system that promises anything, instead it is a series of simple principles, exercises and postures to help empower people to realize how much gravity, movement and ergonomics are affecting them.

Click here to learn more about Body awareness & posture training

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